
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Patrick Is Home

Thank you to everyone who has faithfully lifted Patrick and Emily up in prayer.  Yesterday, around 3pm, Patrick was discharged home from UVA hospital (two days earlier than expected).  Turns out ... he had been virtually nausea free and his ostomy output was good ... so his doctors thought he was prepared to go home.  Both Emily and Patrick were glad to be back in the comfort of their own home where they could get uninterrupted sleep and a sense of normalcy again.

I spoke with Emily today, and she said Patrick is doing well.  His pain is under control, but he is still very tired and weak (understandably).  Although he is hungry, Emily said Patrick is having a difficult time eating.  She thinks this is partially physiological (body) ... but also partially psychological (mind).  As in:  Patrick is a bit afraid to eat again after his unexpected bowel obstruction.  He is "taking it a day at a time," eating the foods that appeal the most to him, and trying to rest and regain his strength.

This recent hospital stay was unexpected and tiresome for the Shaws.  Please pray God's protection over Patrick's body and over both of their spirits.  Additionally, prayers are needed for Patrick to regain his desire to eat so that he may increase his strength and stamina.

Pray on, Prayer Warriors!

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